Our Constitution
The Friends of Radnor Gardens (FoRG) is a registered charity – No.1022565.
Its objects are:
- to work closely with the London Borough of Richmond to provide or assist in the provision of restoration work and improvements to Radnor Gardens, Twickenham;
- to provide or assist in the provision of recreation and other leisure-time occupations in Radnor Gardens for the inhabitants of the Borough to improve their conditions of life.
FoRG consists of a membership facilitated by our Committee.
The Committee
Committee members are elected at an Annual General Meeting held each Spring. The Committee meets four or five times a year. The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer meet informally as Officers between meetings.
Following the AGM held in May 2019, the current elected Committee Members are:
- Clare Head (Chairman)
- Pam McMillen (Secretary)
- Graham Nugent (Treasurer)
- Anthony Bailey OBE
Become a Member of FoRG
To become a non-voting member, applicants pay an annual subscription of £10 then complete this form.
Please use our bank details to set up a standing order with your full name as the payment reference:
Sort code: 60-22-03
Account number: 62504258
Account name: Friends of Radnor Gardens
Alternatively, please contact us to discuss other means of supporting our charity.
Our Activities
FoRG holds a licence for the running of the cafe and oversees its management. It works closely with Council officers on the improvement of the gardens and recently supported the consultation which resulted in new playground equipment. It has developed and part-funded an information board which was installed in early Summer 2017.
A small group walks round the Gardens with a Council Officer four times a year to monitor the state of the shrubs, benches and paths and discuss new possibilities. FoRG has submitted a Vision Plan to the Council, covering the years 2017-2020.